a cure for winter blues

Posted by your green-eyed gal at 10:19 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Whole-wheat and flax strawberry pancakes with blueberry sauce, topped with fresh strawberry slices is the best way to start a winter morning...it reminds me of warm sunshine, and clear blue skies...oh how I miss you.

four days off, into a nine day holiday...

Posted by your green-eyed gal at 8:20 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009

...not the type of holiday I was anticipating. Saturday was to be my first day back to grind after four glorious days off...I guess there were other plans for how I might spend my weekend.

The last two weeks or so I've felt something going on inside my head with pressure headaches, and small earaches here and there. Friday night took me by storm though; head pounding, ears aching, and cookies tossed, I was not a happy camper. A night of little sleep, and still feeling crappy come 4:30am, there wasn't much choice but to call into work. I was, ever so grateful, to get a doctor's appointment (on a Saturday! it's a miracle). The conclusion to my appointment was an infection in each ear, and a sinus infection. The last few days have been spent curled up on the couch, in my bed, or puttering around the house, being sure to drink lots of water and hot tea, taking my antibiotics and decongestants faithfully, and making sure I'm getting all my vitamins and minerals.

Well, that's all for now. I'm heading out for a chot cup of tea, and perhaps a strawberry muffin...they're calling me, so what can I do but endulge?

Welcome 2009!

Posted by your green-eyed gal at 9:33 AM

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome to a new year! How's it been so far? Well I worked the first days of the New Year, no surprise there. However, I do have a stretch of four days off now, so that is quite nice.

Christmas was wonderful! The family was together again, at last. There were tons of laughs, love, and hugs to go around...just the way I like it. Although, this surely was our last Christmas, and full family gathering in this house. The sadness of this, however, did not weigh down on our holiday cheer. Especially when we exchanged gifts. Because there are seven adults in the family, we draw names to buy for. This year, my dad decided it would be a grand idea to put a theme for the gifts: toys. This was the most exciting gift exchange yet, and to top it all off, we actually played with our toys. Our toys included, Cranium, remote controlled backhoe, and dump truck, Nerf guns, magnetic light-brights, more games, and more fun! It was so much fun to feel like kids again. We just sat there all night, and played with our games, and toys.

My sister looks adorable pregnant, and pregnant she is....very much so. I felt the baby move for the first time---how magical that was---to know there is this little life inside. What a reward it is to bare a child. Not to mention, Mike has a new glow about him too. The glow of a soon-to-be father! I'm truly happy for them both.

Christmas, is a time of great joy, and sometimes a time of true sadness. Christmas Eve is a hard time to lose a grand-parent, then the aftermath of planning a funeral can easily dampen your holiday spirit. You're a trooper Darryl! May God bless this new year, and a new perspective on life.

2008 ended graciously, and with great family memories, and 2009 has started the same way.

I wish you all the best for the New Year!!

a big thank you

Posted by your green-eyed gal at 2:11 PM

Monday, December 22, 2008

Not that the man will ever read this message, but I just want to send a HUGE thank-you out to the snow plow driver that pulled me out of the ditch this morning. Your friendly hello, and sense of humor made this somewhat scared, and very embarrassed girl, not so embarrassed, and somewhat calm.

Often we let the hard work of these individuals pass by unnoticed. Getting from point A to point B, in the winter, would not be so easy without them.

So thank-you snow plow drivers for all the hard work you do....but please remember, the green mailbox on Douglas Line, the one with the numbers 5923, that's my mailbox, so please don't run in over.


Posted by your green-eyed gal at 6:47 PM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

after three months...

Posted by your green-eyed gal at 7:53 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2008

my ring has finally arrived home from the jewelers...what a happy girl I am

the more houses i see

Posted by your green-eyed gal at 7:31 PM

Sunday, December 7, 2008

...the more I wish I still held child-like anticipation for the new.

The house hunt continues, and today I'm just having a hard time accepting that this is my last Christmas in my house. Moving as a child was never hard for me. It was an a new adventure, a new house to explore. Perhaps I only feel this way because we haven't found the right house yet. I trust God with our future, but, I'm still human. I hold my house with sentimental value, even though when it comes down to it, it's just a pile of bricks.

To be totally honest with you, if I were to take a virtual tour, or like-wise of my house, there would be no way that I would want to buy it. This house is old, and not nice New England, or Victorian old, and full of character. Old as in, it needs work-- like replacing our kitchen floor, because it is the most ugly, and I mean uuuuugly linoleum--straight from the 60's or 70's, but I've gotten used to it. I do love my kitchen though. The amount of work space I have is phenomenal, and I have a full walk-in pantry. Our upstairs needs to have the dry-wall finished, after pulling out all the paneling---honestly paneling? it's not even real wood paneling. There is many more plans we had, but the point is, we don't own our house, and we do not plan on continuing to pay rent at an increased rate, and increase the value of a house we don't even own--there is just no logic in that---that's not to say that we haven't' taken care of this house, because we have, and we have done things to increase the value of the house, in hope that we might get it severed from the land, but after much paper-work, meetings and time, there was no such luck.

I must trust that there is a "right" house out there for us, and we'll find it at the right time. I just have to keep remembering that it's all under control. The house we finally end up in, will be ours, it will be new, it will be nice, it will be open, and it will become even more sentimental.